About us
Mushinkai Aikido Association
The Mushinkai Aikido Association was founded in 2002.
The purpose of the Association: To practice, teach, train instructors, as well as spread and popularize Aikido in every possible forum and with all means for all age groups. Aikido is a Japanese martial art trend continuing the spiritual heritage of Ueshiba Morihei, whose center is the Tokyo-based Aikikai Foundation (Aikikai Foundation - Aikido World Headquarters, www.aikikai.or.jp), and whose technical and spiritual leader is the current Doshu, a lineal descendant of the founder. The Association belongs to this trend, is committed to its values and follows the guidelines of Doshu.
The Association places special emphasis on cooperation with other associations and organizations, mainly, but not exclusively, operating in the member states of the European Union or in partnership with the European Union, following and continuing the spiritual heritage of Aikido, supporting each other and promoting their goals.
The Association is committed to the education and upbringing of the next generation, both in school and in leisure time.
The Association is a member of the Hungarian Aikikai Aikido Culture Association; its president is Gergő Pasqualetti, 6th dan Aikikai shidoin instructor, member of the Technical Committee of Aikikai Hungary.
Aikikai Hungary is an organization recognized by the Hombu Dojo, a member of the International Aikido Association, in which it represents Hungary.
Registration number:
Headquarters:8097 Nadap, Rákóczi utca 31. (Hrsz.80)
Tax number:18247291-1-07
Bank account number:13597539-12302010-00065666